
Change Starts With You: Sound Advice Careers

Change Starts With You

You can’t be who you want to be and who you are at the same time. When you look at your future, what do you see? A higher salary? A better job title? More security? When you look at where you are now, do you remember what it took to get here? Chances are, you’ve

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4 Ways to Optimize Linkedin to Get Ahead in Your Job Search_Sound Advice Careers

Maximizing Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn offers a pretty basic formula to create your profile foundation. A fair bit of groundwork is initially required, but if maintained properly afterwards, then just a few minutes a day is all that will be needed to grow your network. Let me first explain why you need to include all this information in full. When

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Facing Your Fears: Sound Advice Careers

Facing Your Fears

The number one hindrance to most people’s success is themselves. So often we know the way; we know the path we have to take… but we’re afraid to take it. We’re afraid of walking down that path. Even when we know the road and even have a map, the fear of not knowing what we’ll

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Never Stop Networking: Sound Advice Careers

Never Stop Networking

In the not-so-distant past, it was enough to show up on time, do good work, collect a paycheck, and bide your time. If you performed well at any one company for X amount of time, it was reasonable to expect you’d be promoted, get a raise, and keep climbing the ladder. However, in today’s world,

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